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What is Elite Teams


Overcoming obstacles, Youth development, Team building evolutions, Character development, Spiritual Training

What are Elite Teams?

Elite teams are small units of young men and young women who have decided to overcome choices they have made in their lives by becoming mentally strong, physically strong, and most important spiritually strong through obstacle course training, and team building evolutions.


Elite Teams Video

Elite Promo

Elite Promo



Costa Rica Alcance Elite

Costa Rica Alcance Elite

EL Progresso Elite

EL Progresso Elite

The Overcoming ELITE

The Overcoming ELITE


Why Extreme Mentorship?

While in the process of mentoring a gang leader the question arose at the beginning of our relationship, was his life any less valuable because of the lot he was given? Or was his live any less valuable because of the decisions he had made? No, his life is just as important as anyone else, with just as much potential. I was made aware of this when this gang leader brought 80 of his members to train with our extreme training methods and we saw earth shattering results. He was simply reacting to his circumstances. Sure, his decisions were bad ones. But when directed in the right way I was able to see the impact that a leader could have on his own people.

Many people deal with this exact problem. They are in positions to lead, and fall short because they react to their circumstances instead of having the discipline to stay the course and overcome the challenge. If they are never trained how to overcome difficult circumstances in their lives, it becomes second nature to give up and to give in. This is where Elite Teams steps in and leads you in the fight. We believe in the potential, not the circumstances. We teach and mentor young people and young adults to identify, understand, overcome obstacles, and train you to lead others to overcome. Your life is important and your mission is a critical one. Your life matters, you are necessary and you have the potential to affect change in this world. You just need someone to engage with your potential. Elite Teams uses methods of extreme mentorship to accomplish this outcome.


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
